Search Engine Optimisation

What is SEO?

Search engine optimisation means taking a piece of online content and optimising it so search engines like Google show it towards the top of the page when someone searches for something.

When searching for something online, most people go to Google so the ultimate goal with SEO is to get your website or content to the top of the google listings when searching for an answer to their problem that your business can solve.

On-page SEO is about building content to improve your rankings. This comes down to incorporating keywords into your pages and content, writing high- quality content regularly, and making sure your metatags and titles are keyword-rich and well-written, among other factors.

Off-page SEO is the optimisation happening off of your website itself, such as earning backlinks.

Construct Virtual understand the construction industry and your customers, what they will be searching for in google and how to make sure your company comes up in the search results.

Construct Virtual understand the construction industry and your customers, what they will be searching for in google and how to make sure your company comes up in the search results.

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